Hairline too straight vs hair greed...

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Viewers of my hairline cases will note that I ALWAYS put a few 'bumps' along the hairline to irregularize that the person doesn't end up looking like they had a hair 2 very prominent politicians that are perfect examples of p

2 Answers

Viewers of my hairline cases will note that I ALWAYS put a few 'bumps' along the hairline to irregularize that the person doesn't end up looking like they had a hair 2 very prominent politicians that are perfect examples of poorly executed hair transplant PLANS.   


Well here is an example of a really tough fellow, a badass, who got 1400 grafts by me, and in the plan pic, you will see that I did indeed put a few irregularizing bump outs along the hairline..but dog 14 months, I think he has a bit of a too straight hairline.   


He wants a couple more hairs, for what spot I'm not actually sure, and I'd like to put in 25 to 50 just to make that hairline a little less perfect.  I suspect we'll do that at some point down the road and if so I'll update his case story.


In the meantime however, he has a lot of hair where before he had none.

The video is: 

Dr. Lindsey McLean VA