Some of you have seen my videos where I try to emphasize the importance of cleaning postop. It really became clear to me about a decade ago when a hairpiece wearing trial lawyer really did a poor job cleaning and by day 7 had literally alle
Some of you have seen my videos where I try to emphasize the importance of cleaning postop. It really became clear to me about a decade ago when a hairpiece wearing trial lawyer really did a poor job cleaning and by day 7 had literally alle
Some of you have seen my videos where I try to emphasize the importance of cleaning postop. It really became clear to me about a decade ago when a hairpiece wearing trial lawyer really did a poor job cleaning and by day 7 had literally alleys of crust extracted grafts that were gone! We ultimately did a second case for his crown and addressed those areas and have posted a bunch of updates on him...but that is when it struck me that early on...the crust can have stronger adherance to hairs than the scalp does...and can pull them out! WE offer free help with cleaning postop and still people don't clean.
This special forces guy is a prime example. We did a nice case on him...his wife was having a baby and although they were fairly close..he didn't come and did a poor job cleaning. We did a little touch up on him and made him come daily to help him clean. Look at the difference! At just 5 months out he looks awesome. And I show his scar after being in his head twice, and a short haircut.
Do what your doctor says...but if you're our patient or going to be our patient....CLEAN!
The video is:
Dr. Lindsey McLean VA