Beware of black market FUE scams #1

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So the ISHRS sent out a request for doctors to do a few videos on common black market clinic problems.  Here's a good example of a few common 'scarless' FUE scams we see.  We see stuff like this every single week of at least the past 5 years

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So the ISHRS sent out a request for doctors to do a few videos on common black market clinic problems.  Here's a good example of a few common 'scarless' FUE scams we see.  We see stuff like this every single week of at least the past 5 years and we've seen patients vicitimized by this from the UK, Europe, India and Pakistan, Asia, and yes...right here in the DC area.   I'd guess that 95% of these patients could have avoided these problems if they'd have just done an hour of research before signing up.  And that means looking at the doctor's work on their website, on discussion forums, on YouTube and visiting the office and seeing a case.   


In our experience...virtually every single patient who had experiences like described in this video...who had their surgery in the US...the prospective patient rarely met the doctor who was going to do the surgery, never saw a result of a similar type of head that they had, and at best saw one or 2 professionally done advertisements...not patient interview videos or forum posts...


While I have used this analogy and gotten grief from forum audiences before...I do think its valid.  If you are buying a car...more than likely you look at several magazines and consumer oriented forums, and you actually go sit in the car and probably ask someone other than the salesman what kind of issues, good or bad, they've had with that car before you purchase.  It's not hard, probably takes an hour or 2.   Just do at least that amount of research before you let someone sell you a hair transplant!


The video is:


Dr. Lindsey