FUE repair of hairline by Dr. Lindsey

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Now all of you guys will know that I think FUE is overhyped, oversold, and often doesn't work half as well as strip.  I have 20 or more videos on youtube going into that.  BUT, it does have a role!


This guy is perfect f

1 Answers

Now all of you guys will know that I think FUE is overhyped, oversold, and often doesn't work half as well as strip.  I have 20 or more videos on youtube going into that.  BUT, it does have a role!


This guy is perfect for FUE.  He has HORRIBLE scarring from 2 strip cases done by a guy who dabbles in hair.  He needs a relatively small amount of grafts.  AND he has thick hair which can survive that root avulsion than comes with every single FUE case.


The video is:  


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA