Will people know i'v had a Hair Transplant?

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I want a procedure in the future to combat my frontal hair loss, will people know i have had a procedure?

13 Answers

I want a procedure in the future to combat my frontal hair loss, will people know i have had a procedure?

Xavier, immediatly after a procedure your recipient area will be pink followed by scabs forming around the incisions. These incisions usually heal within a week or 2.

During the first few days after the procedure a person’s hair transplants will be noticeable if there is no previous hair to mask these temporary scabs. However, most patients feel comfortable being in public without wearing a hat within 5 to 7 days following surgery some maybe a little longer.

Once the transplanted hair grows out the results should look entirely natural, even under close examination. Gone are the days of plugs etc. Research wisely however and try to meet patients who have had a procedure to give you a better idea.


The results are natural pal if you choose a great doc. 

Yeah I know many people who did hair tranplant and have expected result..

Depends how long the redness lingers for, as for the results, no one should ever know unless you go to an incompetent Doctor.

My friends Hair Transplant is very natural, nobody would know but he told the world.

Hoping 3 weeks off work will be enough to hide the surgery. Looking at unshaven FUE.

Take 3 weeks off and pull a sickie for a week ;)

Seeing results with redness after a few months, currently looking at unshaven FUE.

Unshaven? How many grafts you need?

Yes the results would be appearing after few weeks ...

Patients react differently, 4 weeks to be sure from what Iv seen.

Yes you are right I am agree with you it's migt be vary from person to person..