
Day of my FUE Transplant (Dr Arshad

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February 18th 2018, Today is the day of my FUE hair transplant and I am feeling very excited and relaxed, no nerves or worries. I arrive in good time at the Hamilton Medical centre in Dewbury which is the location of the Hair Dr Clinic. I enter the rec

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February 18th 2018, Today is the day of my FUE hair transplant and I am feeling very excited and relaxed, no nerves or worries. I arrive in good time at the Hamilton Medical centre in Dewbury which is the location of the Hair Dr Clinic. I enter the reception just before 9am after the 20mins drive from Leeds and am greated by Julia who is a nice bubbly character and made me feel very welcoming. Sommiya then comes and collects me from reception and brings me to Dr Arshad's office where he awaits my arrival. Both great me professionally and inviting which make me feel very comfortable like I was visiting friends. They was no rush or intimidating medial chat and terms. We discussed the proceedure and expectations again and went over the papework and I was given some medication to relax me for the proceedure. We then discussed the hairline and Dr Arshad began to measure and draw the hairline on, making adjustments to my desire and his professional advice. We wanted a 'wavy' natural looking hairline and I could get a good idea of how it would look. Excitment was kicking in now and I was ready to begin.

We all then moved down to the theatre which was not intimidating at all and was very sterile and state of the art. Helen, the nurse practitioner was already in the room ready to shave my head for the proceedure and then I was invited to lay face down on the operating bed which was comfortable. Dr Arshad then began cleaning my head followed by the numbing injections which I can descibe as like the ones a dentist gives you. Where u feel a slight scratch and few seconds later you feel nothing. I had a few of these around the back of my head where Dr Arshad was going to take donations from. Once it was all numb it was a weird and interesting feeling to me like it was ice or concrete as I couldnt feel anything on the numbed aread but was aware of it. Dr Arshad then began to harvest the doner folicles by using a device that cuts around the folicle up to 1mm in diameter and then using small forceps Helen would gently pull them out and put into a dish of solution which cleans and protects the folicles. This first part of the procedue takes up to 3 or 4 hours and I was kept comfortable and informed throughout. Dr Arshad and Helen told me a number of time I had perfect donor hair, the texture and numours hairs in the folicles was great and I will get amazing results. At the end of this stage after 3 - 4 hours we was about to take a break for lunch. Sommiya had counted up all the grafts taken and was over 4,000 and I was like WOW as I was quoted 2,500 to restore my hairline but becasuse my donor hairs was great we agreed to use the remaining grafts to back my hair right up to my crown and also correct my double crown that span opposite directions which would give the apearance of thinning. We had spoken about my crown in consultation too so it was something I was aware of. We then had lunch together in the canteen and there was a big fancy pool table too which I watched a entertaining game between Helen and Julia.

After lunch we returned to the theatre room and now I was in a sat up reclined position facing a big TV which I settled myslef in to sit back and chill out for to hours to come. This part for the proceedure was the main part where Dr Arshad uses all his skills and knowledge to give me the perfect restored hairline and fix my double crown which after meeting with him a few time I know he prides himself on his work. Helen too works with him to achieve this and she also has 20 year experience doing this. I felt I was in the perfect hands. I was constantly asked how I was and if I feel anything to let them know, which I did not. This stage ot the proceedure was facinating to me and I would have watched it on the TV if I was able to. My head was cleaned and sterile followed by Dr Arshad again giving me a number of injections to numb the top of my whole head. Also he injects a solution into my scalp to lift the skin from my skull. This is for when he is making new incisions for the new grafts and the tool dose not hit my skull. And then between Dr Arshad and Helen they place the new grafts into my hairline, vertex and crown to give me a new full head of hair. This part of the preceedure took around 6-7 hours and I was that comfortable and watching TV pain and discomfort free it did not feel that long at all. Around 9pm the proceedure was complete and I was cleaned up and told to sit up slowly and take it steady onto my feet. I felt great and my gown was taken off and a dressing applied to my head that had to be kept on for 24 hours. I wore a open buttoned shirt which is very important as you do not want to be wearing clothing that you pull over your head as however careful you try to be you are at big risk of catching and pulling out the new grafts. We then make out way up to Dr Arshad's office where he too is all cleaned up while I was been cleaned up and he then tells me he is very pleased with how everything went and what has been achieved. He invites me to take a look in the mirror and it was seriously amazing! I looked totally different as you immediately see the hairline again on your own head. It looked so natural and I felt so happy and beyoned pleased with it. Dr Arshad and Sommiya talked me through what was achieved and the do's and dont's for my aftercare. I was given Finasteride tablets to take daily along with some antibiotics to ensure I do not get any infection, pain relief medication for the first week and steroids to help with the healing and any swelling. Also Minoxidle lotion to apply once my grafts have taken and all healed in the 2nd week. Using Finasteride and Minoxidle following a hair transplant helps the grafts and speeds up the hair regrowth. 

To finish I felt extremely pleased with the whole process and how the day went from 9am to 9pm. Dr Arshad and the team went above and beyond to ensure I felt safe, happy and most of all comfortable. Assuring me throughout that I have great grafts and will get amazing results. With such a tedious task harvesting and placing gafts for 12 hours the whole team remained professional and in high plesant spirits and was all about me the patient. I can not thank them enough and also would recomend them to anyone and everyone. They are so caring, professional putting the patient first always. Never felt rushed or intimidated by medical terms as always explained thoroughly and are there for me throughout all my aftercare. I couldnt have chosen a better Dr and Team.

I know of my expectations and that my grafts will shed in the coming weeks before the new hair regrowth starts. I am excited and cant wait for the coming months and seeing the whole process unfold. Thank you Dr Arshad and tho whole of the Hair Dr team.

I have attached photos of me before my FUE Transplant and pictues of the donor area and the top and front of my head where the new grafts are placed. I hope this helps with anyone going through hair loss and or considering a hair transplant. Please feel free to ask any questions and I will be happy to help.


It's very good per a patient as he is very sataisfied by the hari transpant surgery as you have share your story i hope you will get best results...

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