
Another failed FUE needing repair, and why?

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Here's yet another medical doctor who paid for FUE, from a busy FUE practice....who had virtually no results.  I've posted 20 or 30 of these cases and they are almost always the same.  We find lots of FUE scars, most with hair coming out of t

3 Answers

Here's yet another medical doctor who paid for FUE, from a busy FUE practice....who had virtually no results.  I've posted 20 or 30 of these cases and they are almost always the same.  We find lots of FUE scars, most with hair coming out of them indicating the roots of the hairs were NOT transplanted, and in this case, a few surviving FUE's were scattered over a lot of balding head.  PLUS this guy's scalp characteristics made it very difficult to see the slits, even with the head shaved....there is no way the previous doctor could see the slits or his techs could.   Lastly...those grafts start dying at 6 hours...they better be back in the head by then.  But every week we see a similar guy to this, from all over the world...and most say the case took 12 hours or more...Those poor donor hairs...


Now lest you think I'm all anti FUE, please look at our recent 8 year FUE video.  FUE and strip both have their indications...I just wish folks would learn the pros and cons before they choose based on and impulse response to a consultant.


The video is :   


Dr. Lindsey 

McLean VA

FUE can be a great choice if researched and the right surgeon, great advice.

Yeah I totally agree with this statment that a specialized surgeon can really make the difference.

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