
Hair transplant in patient with Cochlear Implant

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So this is one we don't see everyday.  This former bodybuilder lost his hearing in his 40s and got a cochlear implant.  His dad had a hair transplant 'back in the day' so he came in for a consultation.  Frankly, I'd never seen a patient

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So this is one we don't see everyday.  This former bodybuilder lost his hearing in his 40s and got a cochlear implant.  His dad had a hair transplant 'back in the day' so he came in for a consultation.  Frankly, I'd never seen a patient with a C I get an HT.  As a former ENT doctor though, I knew we can't screw this thing up.   


So in the video I discuss what we did differently, how the implant shortens the strip and thus the available hair, and show him during the case and over the first week.  He's local, so I'm optimistic that we'll get followup and a second case next year.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA


The video is:  

Great work as always Dr.Lindsey, please keep the forum updated.

Nice clean work Dr Lindsey, donor area looked quite thin to begin with, will this guy have enough donor for another session?

Excellent observation.  Yeah, some guys would say this guy is low yield...but I think he's got realistic expectations.  I beat that low density stuff into him when we first met, and he said his dad was the same and all he wants is SOME coverage that will LAST.


So I think I can accomplish that and yes, we'll get 1500 more down the road.  


I never am really sure about anything...its all statistics and expectations.  I am pretty sure this guy will be satisfied.


Dr. L

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