
2711 grafts FUE (Dr.Reddy, London)

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37 year old gentleman presented to us with a 5 year history of gradual hair loss .He has used Minoxidil 5% occasionally in the past.
He was keen to get his hairline restored as it was affecting his confidence.
O/e Dr Reddy diagnosed him with an e

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37 year old gentleman presented to us with a 5 year history of gradual hair loss .He has used Minoxidil 5% occasionally in the past.
He was keen to get his hairline restored as it was affecting his confidence.
O/e Dr Reddy diagnosed him with an early Norwood 4 pattern of hair loss and decided to stabilise his hair initially with Propecia.
He was examined 12 months later and was counselled extensively regarding FUE. He was keen to get maximum density and was happy with a mature hairline to frame his face.
2711 grafts were transferred using a manual FUE with a 0.9 mm punch.
Attached are the pics before,during and after 9 months.

Thank you for sharing Dr.Reddy, beautiful work and hairline.

Very nice Dr Reddy, love the hairline and how natural this is. Do you recommend meds for all your patients?

Pleased to see the UK having great surgeons now, looks brill.

I love Dr.Reddy's work and he works in London!

The UK is on the up with hair transplant surgeons, and Dr Reddy is cleary one of our best.

How involved is Dr.Reddy with the procedures?

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