
Who is the best Hair Transplant Surgeon?

Viewed 1

Tough one..... Who is the best Hair Transplants Doctor out there? 

6 Answers

Tough one..... Who is the best Hair Transplants Doctor out there? 

Everybody's top 3 or 5 will probably be different mate.


1. Lorenzo

2. Rahal

3. Hasson and Wong

4. HLC

5. Bisanga


Then the rest haha. There are great doctors out there, its just finding them :)

When you can answer that, you have researched enough ;) There are great Docs all over pal. Belgium, Turkey, Asia, Spain, US and even the UK. Its about personal preference and what you are looking for? Use the forums and study the work, is there a number 1? I think not.

Research and you will find some amazing surgeons worldwide, jump into it and like most persons you usually find sub-standard.

This is an amazing result, this clinic continues to impress me.

If you looking for the best hair surgeon in your region then you need to have research and RND for this over the internet if you find a clinic then you have to go through the reviews of their patients ...

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