
Hair Transplants advice?

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How do we maximise our chances of success? It does happen and patients are not happy so im guessing the best way to maximse a great result and less chance of an unsuccessful procedure?

8 Answers

How do we maximise our chances of success? It does happen and patients are not happy so im guessing the best way to maximse a great result and less chance of an unsuccessful procedure?

Loads of research and a great Surgeon lmao.

Hi SteveO,

Any surgical procedure there are no guarantess however clinics will have track records which should give you an indication of how patients are looked after and results that can be achieved.

First and foremost you need to know if you are a good candidate for what you hope to achieve and make sure you have realistic goals and to do this, i suggest you consult with a few Surgeons to get an idea of donor desity, miniaturisation, meds, potential loss etc.

Expectations, Consultations and Research should help minimise the risk.


Cheers Dillon, i hope to have face to face consultations in the near future. Drawing my list up.

Paul Reed said:

Loads of research and a great Surgeon lmao.

I hope so bud lol

SteveO . said:

Cheers Dillon, i hope to have face to face consultations in the near future. Drawing my list up.

Right direction :)

I will keep you guys updated.

It's better for you to get your hair transplant from highly qualified hair surgeon for better results ..

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