
Dr K.k Arora hair surgeon in India - Hair Transplant

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What is alopecia?


The head has an average of 100,000 hairs that grow and are renewed regularly, the daily fall between 50 and 100. Each hair remains on the head between two and six years, and during most of that time is continual

7 Answers

What is alopecia?


The head has an average of 100,000 hairs that grow and are renewed regularly, the daily fall between 50 and 100. Each hair remains on the head between two and six years, and during most of that time is continually growing. When you get older, it enters a resting stage in which remains on the head, but does not grow. Eventually, the hair falls. This happens under normal conditions a healthy person. But when hair loss is massive, or only in certain areas leaving patches, we can speak of alopecia.


The term alopecia comes from the Greek word 'alopex', meaning fox, an animal that sheds its coat several times throughout his life. You can not generally be considered a disease, but in most cases is a symptom of a physical, hormonal or psychological impairment. In addition, some alopecia can reverse time and the hair can repopulate our head, like many of those caused by stress, fever, entering menopause or pregnancy. However, especially in Caucasian men, called androgenic alopecia - the type that occurs in 95% of cases, although it is, however, much less common among women can be considered a normal phenomenon such as irreversible. Hair loss is inevitable, but the degree varies depending on the individual. The intensity of the normal or androgenic alopecia depends largely on our genetic heritage; if your father is bald, we have many numbers to the same end.


Clearer and bigger pics would help? Any pre op? Before and after?


There are many up and coming Surgeons in India like Bhatti etc however i have not heard of this clinic. Would be great to hear what tools and techniques and sight this clinic has in to hair transplants.

May i ask the Dr or rep a few questions as i have not heard much about this clinic.

Does this clinic perform FUT/FUE or both? How many years experience?

What is the surgeons surgical prtocol? Is the Doc involved? Technicians?


Well done Dr . Arora you did a fabolus job I really apprecite it.

India is producing some great clinic but i'v not seen much of this docs work.

Great job Doctor. All three results are totally transforming. 

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