
Massive shedding :(

Viewed 2

Started propecia nearly 2 months ago and my hair has suddenly started to shed :( 

Please advise... Should i stop propecia?

5 Answers

Started propecia nearly 2 months ago and my hair has suddenly started to shed :( 

Please advise... Should i stop propecia?

I wouldnt worry pal, shedding is common when starting propecia, see how it is in another few months.

Propecia is common and associated with significant shedding phase up till 3-4 months after starting the medication. After this periord the shedding should subside and most recommend using propecia to see if the medication is effective for you.

However i suggest you let your GP know about the shedding if of course a GP prescribed you the medication. Once the shedding cycle has started, nothing can really be done to stop it however the good news is that it will eventually subside and the hair shall grow back.



Cheers guys. Advice much appreciated, i will see how it goes for the year and thankfully no sides as of yet.

Hair shedding is the most common problem that most of the people are facing right now but you need to recover it by naturally way of hair restoration ..

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