
Telling a partner about having a HT?

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As it says in the title, how do you tell your partner about having a Hair Transplant? Its not like you can hide it haha.

16 Answers

As it says in the title, how do you tell your partner about having a Hair Transplant? Its not like you can hide it haha.

I guess it depend how long you have been with your partner? I would if i was married and had children etc but wouldnt if i was only with my partner for a short while.

Only been together a few years but hopefully will be long term, didnt think it would be so hard to discuss something like this with my partner.

If you intend to have a family etc then i think you should of course tell her haha.

I'm sure she will be supportive. Its to make you happier at the end of the day.

Simply put..... a great hairline. He must be really happy with this outcome.

Like my hair loss, looks great. Any updates?

Told her and her response was 'whatever makes you happy' haha worried over nothing.

Well done mate for telling her. Usually the things we fret about we over worry a hundred times. Being open about it must help and be a nice relief of your mind :)

It is not imperative to have fuller hair. However all the women in the world want their partners to look good and young always. It is very simple, you need to tell him how he looks good and what all he has to do to look good. He because of his lack of hair, he looks old, you can persuade him to go for HT. There are hundreds of videos of HT Before and After. You can show him the results of some HT patients. Below are some of the best results:Before and After

The one pic after 6 months looks good, however not all women in the world want men to have hair lmao.

Some people look good bold and some do not! One should have a hair transplant for themselves and nobody else. However the result after 6 months looks good, but its only one pic.

Telling her about the procedure doesn't bother me, its the money its going to cost me lmao.

Haha just tell her is cheaper than a weekend away ;)


This is a really  good topic. 

We recently interview  a patient here on The Bald Truth about telling his wife :




The worry and lets be embarrasment hair loss causes us really does have an impact on relationships. Be open really is a relieve, be open and you will be surprised with the response. Now to tell the missus......

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