
How do you cope with ugly shockloss phase?

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How do you cope with ugly shockloss phase? Can I use topik to hide shockloss?


8 Answers

How do you cope with ugly shockloss phase? Can I use topik to hide shockloss?


Keep away from the mirrors and ride it out pal. It wont last forever! Toppik shouldnt be a problem if your procedure was a while ago?

Keep it shaved? How long ago did you have a HT?

Keep away from mirrors if you can. Applying toppik should not be a problem now but i recommend consulting with your Dr.


Shockloss can usually last between 3/4 months, you could apply minoxidil and try MSM to help speed up growth.

Please keep the forum updated.



Keep it shaved if it doesnt bother you, then let it grow out after the 4 month. 

This is the best place to answer questions. Wow guys thanks a lot you are too fast :)


posei don said:
Bodhi Ray said:

Keep it shaved? How long ago did you have a HT?

I did in the 1 August.

Here is my 55 days pictures


Looking on track pal. I would shave if it didnt bother you or Toppik shouldnt be a problem. The ugly duckling phase will soon pass.

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