Dr. Lindsey UTAH appts Mar 7/8 and contest

Viewed 3

Its ski season again and although I thought I was done skiing after a bit of an injury last year, I'm not ready to give it up.    I'll be doing consultations at Snowbird Utah, Saturday and Sunday Mar 7 and 8.  


2 Answers

Its ski season again and although I thought I was done skiing after a bit of an injury last year, I'm not ready to give it up.    I'll be doing consultations at Snowbird Utah, Saturday and Sunday Mar 7 and 8.  


Any previous hair surgery patient of ours, like usual, is welcome to come and I'll buy your lift ticket and we'll share a beverage.   To schedule email or call the office.


For new potential patients...IF you think you can ski a challenging slope better than me....(and that is getting easier each year), I'll offer you 1000.00 off your surgery IF you can do one run better than me.  Judging will be done by my niece and a doctor friend.   It is not a race, nor a tricks contest....just come down whatever slope we're doing, better than me.  It'll be a fun way of getting to know one another outside of the clinical setting.


If you board, I'm still up for the challenge.


Give a call to get on the list or to set up a visit.


Dr. Lindsey

Hmm! it is great you can do it keep it ...