Dr. Lindsey warns gainst moreHairTransplant Scams

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Hey guys...another short video going over 2 more victims of the unscrupulous hair industry....DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE YOU HAVE SURGERY....not after.


First guy bought a 2500 graft surgery as that was the 'minimal break even/profit

4 Answers

Hey guys...another short video going over 2 more victims of the unscrupulous hair industry....DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE YOU HAVE SURGERY....not after.


First guy bought a 2500 graft surgery as that was the 'minimal break even/profit' price for the doctor no matter what the patient needed...2nd guy paid for 6800 FUEs and wow...look at the results (or lack thereof)


The video is:         


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

Nice video for newbies.... Why do people go for the cheap option is crazy!

Most things in life are cheaper to do once...even if the first time is a bit more expensive.


Dr. Lindsey

Thank you for sharing Dr.Lindsey.