This is a bit of a unique case. This 30ish year old asian man never had central mustache hairs. Now we've done a bunch of HT into scars in the beard or brow area, but this is a tough one...due to constant moving of the recipient area (with
This is a bit of a unique case. This 30ish year old asian man never had central mustache hairs. Now we've done a bunch of HT into scars in the beard or brow area, but this is a tough one...due to constant moving of the recipient area (with
This is a bit of a unique case. This 30ish year old asian man never had central mustache hairs. Now we've done a bunch of HT into scars in the beard or brow area, but this is a tough one...due to constant moving of the recipient area (with eating, talking, smiling etc). Plus...he wears a short hairstyle so FUE is needed, but he has fine hairs and weaker FUE maybe will stress them on extraction....
And we want singles...I don't have any doubles in my mustache area...
And we need the scalp hair to match the mustache area... OFTEN in men, the beard hair is so much thicker than the scalp or donor hair...that getting even a close match is difficult. Fortunately, this guy has similar hair on his head as he does in his beard region.
So we did 217 FUEs, shown are preop, intraop, day 4 and day 8. He's local, so hopefully he'll send pics in a month when its shed, and return to the office next year for pics. Commonly, on cases like this and eyebrows, a second 'touchup' procedure is needed at a year or so to get the best results.
Lastly, before everyone emails to get a beard procedure....for me the most important issue is that the caliber of the donor hair needs to match that of the beard. If you have thin scalp hair and a thick beard that needs some 'tweaking'...I'd be reluctant to proceed.
I asked our patient to chime in, but he's a busy fellow, hopefully he'll add his thoughts.
Dr. Lindsey McLean VA