How to know if you're going bald?

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Are you going bald?

There are several factors that can cause male pattern baldness and some key indicators that help you identify if you’re losing your hair.

By age 21, some men will no

5 Answers




Are you going bald?

There are several factors that can cause male pattern baldness and some key indicators that help you identify if you’re losing your hair.

By age 21, some men will notice the first signs of hair loss. And by age 50, around 85 per cent will have noticed it to a significant degree.


Every man and woman sheds around one hundred hairs every single day. This is a totally natural thing and you shouldn’t worry about it. Then there is actual hair loss, which could be temporary or permanent, depending on the cause. Not all hair loss is due to male pattern baldness. Consider the following causes:

See full article I wrote here for a big upcoming Male Blogger in the UK :



I noticed hair loss at 17 :( Wish i knew then what i know now. Keep up the great work Spex.

I not requied anything to consult a physician about to know that you are going bald it everybody can feel and see it own...