Dr Bisanga, Dr Mwamba or Dr Feriduni?

Viewed 6

Looking at these 3 surgeons who are quite close to home and produce great results and similar cost. Who would you choose?

8 Answers

Looking at these 3 surgeons who are quite close to home and produce great results and similar cost. Who would you choose?

All 3 are World Renowned surgeons and produce great work. Dr Bisanga and Dr Mwamba post on this very forum and their results speak volumes. Please keep the forum updated on your research.

Any lmao however i prefer Dr Mwamba for hairline work.

wow... these 3 make most top 5s across the forums.

You can't go wrong with any of these docs my friends. Solid and consistent, all 3 of them :)

They all do great work, and all in the same country!

You can get you desire hair tranplant center but we need to know about your country and city