Which Country for a Hair Transplant??

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Which Country for a Hair Transplant?? UK is out of my budget. USA - Too far? Belgium and Turkey having issues? India? 

7 Answers

Which Country for a Hair Transplant?? UK is out of my budget. USA - Too far? Belgium and Turkey having issues? India? 

well I think Dubai would be the best choice ..

Would you care to suggest which clinic in Dubai? As i have never heard or seen great work from this country as of yet. 

Mate don't let budget or travel put you of, the countries you have mentioned have some great clinics and i know Dr Lindsey has an offer on at the min for all brits. Good luck.

Travel and budget should not decide where you go, the quailty of the surgeon should ;)

Its not the country you should be researching, its the surgeon.

Yes the you can search about the best surgeon..