Weird and wonderful hair loss treatments .....

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Hey guys,

Wanted to collect a list - and feedback on any 'weird and wonderful ' treatments you've seen , heard of and even tried....Gulp !

Example : the old wives tail that cow urnie is supposed to help hair loss.....


9 Answers

Hey guys,

Wanted to collect a list - and feedback on any 'weird and wonderful ' treatments you've seen , heard of and even tried....Gulp !

Example : the old wives tail that cow urnie is supposed to help hair loss.....

Anyone add to that bad boy ?

If you can provide any info on treatment and feedback that would be great!!


This should be interesting.... I will start with mine, around 10 years ago i was searching for hair loss cures/treatments and came across a fancy product on the web that claimed nettle root would not only help my situation but actually cure my hairloss after taking the product for one month. The Result = in hospital the day after with swelling and a rash and not an extra hair on my head in sight! (little extract below regarding Nettle Root)

Nettle Root and Hair Loss

According to Dr. Marty Sawaya, extracts of nettle root have been used to treat enlarged prostate glands by inhibiting the body’s production of the hormone DHT. DHT is also responsible for hair loss, and so nettle root supplements may, by blocking DHT production, also prevent age-related hair loss in men and women. A number of shampoos contain nettle extract. Many also contain other herbs that benefit hair, such as plantain or burdock.

Quite common especially in India, standing on your head for 30 minutes per day helps your hair loss. 

Rubbing an onion on a bald spot and massaging the scalp with coconut milk also don’t seem too unusual or outlandish. Cocunut oil is a fave of mine, doesn't work but love the smell lol

Please don't laugh and try to take me seriously, since caffeine shampoos have hit the market with claims of slowing down hair loss by stimulating hair roots.... I took it one step further, crushed coffee mixed with a shampoo and left for 10 mins in my hair! The result - a dry head and headache!




Jamaican castor oil! My hair feels great afterwards.



Onions!!!!! onion juice can improve circulation to the blood in and around the follicles encouraging cell rejuvenation making it a great hair loss remedy. Increased BLOOD FLOW also ensures that essential vitamins and nutrients flow to the follicle and support a strong strand that can withstand breakage. Research it



However.... no luck as of yet ;)

Yeah most of the guys are worring about thier hair loss they should be because the hair plays a vital role in your apperience and personlaity ...