3500 FUE Dr. Ekrem Civas Review

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During my research on hair transplant, I appreciated those who passed on their experience. So here is mine performed on November 9, 2015. I'll put a picture every month to see the evolution and I expect you to tell me your comments. 

I aske

21 Answers

Thank you for a very detailed report Lolo Hair. Sound like you had a great experience. The hair is looking great, please keep the forum updated on your progress.

Nice report Lolo Hair. I have looked into Dr Civas. The hair is coming along nicely, sure its going to look great. Was Dr Civas involved in any of the operation as you mention he only came in to check your progress. Cheers, i look forward to following your case.

What made you end up choosing Dr Civas out of your 4 Drs you researched? You from the UK or Turkey? Looks like you are in for a nice result my friend. 

9 hours in surgery?! Wow. Looking great buddy.

HI Jay Jay, 

If you read my first post you will see why I chose  Dr. Chivas among the four doctors. 

I come from Canada. 


Hi Omar Mo, 


Yes the result is great so far.
Dr. Chivas did a great job.  

The only thing it's my hair transplanted is curly. 

I hope it's will be temporary. 


It should be temporay pal, transplanted hair is know to be curly or wirely, once it matures a little more you should be fine.

During my research on hair transplant, I appreciated those who passed on their experience. So here is mine performed on November 9, 2015. I'll put a picture every month to see the evolution and I expect you to tell me your comments. 

I asked for submissions to 4 doctors: Erdogan Korad, Ekrem Civas, Hakan Doganay, Khaled Meddeb. All responded quickly to me, except Dr. Korad who did not answer me, it seems I'm not the only one he didn’t respond to submission requests.

 Why Dr. Civas:
- The results are very good. 
- 2003 ISHRS certified - the Largest hair restoration educational organization in the world. 
- First and only Doctor in Turkey to be ABHRS Certified  - the only certification recognized by ISHRS 
- 2015 - First and Only ISHRS Fellow (FISHERS) Doctor in Turkey 
- His team experienced professionals working together for the last 10 years 
- Good price 
Before my departure: 
The representative of Dr. Civas gave me by emails all the information needed for the surgery, what to do before and after. She even warned me of the time change in Turkey. It was a good professional service. 
The Dr Civas’ driver picked me up in a comfortable car to take me to the hotel.
The hotel, very comfortable, (included in the price) is located 5 minute walk from the clinic.

First day : 
I was well received by the Dr. Civas’ receptionist and Dr. himself.  With Dr. Chivas I was confident from the first moments. To be honest, I was a little nervous, but Dr. Civas by his words reassured me.
During the consultation, the Dr. explained very well the intervention and told me that I would need 3,500 grafts, be 300 more than the estimate by Internet, because of my vertex zone, but it took off 100 Euro from the bill.

Anesthesia was successful, several on the web mention that it hurt, but personally I didn’t feel strong pain during anesthesia. It's just during the transplant, I needed 2 'touch up' Anesthesia on the vertex because it hurt.  

The extraction and the implantation was carried out by three people to his team. Dr Civas often came to see the progress. As his team more than 10 years experience, I was reassured. His team did not speak English or French. I would have liked the Dr. to introduce me to his team before the operation. I was impressed by the team, they are real machine, almost 9 hours  working. 
9:10 am: Beginning anesthesia
6:10 pm: End of surgery
In total: 8:45 hours      9 am to 6 pm minus 15 min lunch

Throughout the operation, there was a TV, the staff was listening a Turkish  series as they did  the operation. I thought this could cause lack of concentration but I didn’t feel like they lost concentration by it.  Like I said, the team has a great experience professionals working together for 10 years. 
Dr Civas was very kind, attentive. At the end, he asked me what I wanted to eat and he himself called the hotel. He was responsible for the bill. He took the time to draw the path of a restaurant he recommended, I was pleased, An employee accompanied me in a taxi to my hotel. 

The next morning they took away the bandages and washed my hair, I saw Dr. Civas, he examined me  everything was good. They told me I could come the next day for another wash, which I did. 

The return
In return, a driver drove me to the airport, even though it was 5 in the morning. 
The surgery did  not hurt me, The most  difficult part was to sleep the first 5 nights because I had to sleep only on my backs, So after 4 hrs or 5 hrs  of sleeping I couldn’t  stay in bed, I had to get up. 
So, I had 3,500 grafts in all. 
1 Hair:          300 grafts 
2 Hair:           700 grafts
3 and 4 hair: 2500 grafts 

Looks like your on your way to a full head of hair. You take meds? Any future work planned? May the hair be with you!

Thank you for the update, looks like it is coming along great. How are you feeling? Please keep the forum updated.

Thanks Omar for your encouragement. 

Here are the results of the 7th month 
with a picture of the donor area.

Thank you for the update Lolo Hair, looking great for 9 months.

Looking good, would love to see more pics and donor etc?

Thank you for the update. Looks great.

This is looking great my friend. How you feel about it at 10 months?

Great growth. Would love to see more pics if possible my friend?