Can A HT Damage Existing Hair Follicles In A Thinning Area?

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My hair is thinning, but I’ve been told I have too much existing hair to have a hair transplant. I heard that transplanting new hair into my thinned areas will lead to a loss of existing hair follicles. I have been told to delay a hair transplant

5 Answers

My hair is thinning, but I’ve been told I have too much existing hair to have a hair transplant. I heard that transplanting new hair into my thinned areas will lead to a loss of existing hair follicles. I have been told to delay a hair transplant procedure until my density has further decreased. Is this true? Could meds not sort this?

The surgeon will transplant into the area that is either bald or has some existing hair. The hair that is existing in the thinning area could be undergoing miniaturization. Doing this is because the miniaturized hair, the fine hair that is being affected by DHT, is eventually going to disappear, so you don’t want there to be any gaps.


If the surgeon believes you have to much hair in this area he is probably not willing to risk it as a ht procedure may not give you as much cosmetic differance as you would like due to losing this hair from shockloss/hair ready to go.

Meds could make the area stronger, post some pics mate?

It may be possible that you simply don’t need a procedure at this time. If you have early thinning, it may be best treated with medication, or not at all. As you age, you will have a better idea of your thinning pattern and, at that time, a hair transplant may be more appropriate.

A hair transplant does not cause loss of hair follicles in the recipient area. The procedure may cause a temporary “shock” loss of the hair. Shock loss is a physiologic response to the trauma to the scalp which is caused by a hair transplant. Hair that is healthy is going to come back after some period of time – generally 6 months. Hair that may be near the end of its lifespan may not return. Like stated posting pics or sending pics to as many surgeons as you like, will of course give you a greater idea. 

I don't think so if anybody have the issue of in the existing hair then the surgeon definitely recommend some med to get rid of it...