Hair Loss Scams!

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The simple facts of hair loss.


Has your hair stylist ever offered you a miracle potion, lotion or shampoo for hair loss? Have you seen pills or products for sale on the Internet promising to stop hair loss, grow ha

5 Answers


The simple facts of hair loss.


Has your hair stylist ever offered you a miracle potion, lotion or shampoo for hair loss? Have you seen pills or products for sale on the Internet promising to stop hair loss, grow hair or reverse baldness? Of course you have. We all have.


You have to wonder where all these hair loss products come from. After all, there are only two FDA approved drugs for the treatment of hair loss. Yet it seems like just about anyone can claim to have a miracle cure for hair loss. What's to stop them? Only you, as it turns out.


We want to believe that there's a secret cure for our hair loss out there. Somehow the media just missed it. But you'll find it. And when you buy into one of the wonder-potions for hair loss, wishful thinking will overpower reality as you stare believingly at your hair in the mirror. The market is always ripe for hair loss scams. We're all part of the problem.


There are many, many people eagerly searching for a hair loss cure. When it's found, you'll know it. A real hair growth product or hair loss treatment is worth billions. The media will be all over it. In the meantime, please get educated about hair loss. It's not that hard. Let's start right here with the simple facts of hair loss...


Hair follicles can die. Sadly, some hair follicles slowly shrink and die in the presence of DHT. This causes 95% of all hair loss. DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is created naturally inside your body when the enzyme 5 alpha reductase combines with the hormone testosterone. In both men and women, it's called androgenetic alopecia or hair loss if you prefer.



Your hair follicles aren't blocked, malnourished or suffering from poor circulation. They're dying from DHT. This is what causes hair loss. Anything that will stop hair loss, cure baldness or regrow hair must block DHT or overpower its effects. This can only occur at the molecular level inside your body.


Interesting read i found and would of saved me quite alot of money if i knew this a few years ago!

Thank you for your post Paul. This is why the forums are important, the amount we and myself in my early days wasted money on false hope is a crying shame. 

Snake and magic potions! And these companys make millions from our hopefull souls!

Agreed and unfortunately it takes hair loss suffers time to find out about propecia and rogaine etc. However i believe vitamins and a healthy diet can help. 

Yeah I would aslo say yes finding about proppecia and rogaine etc is not very easy.