Dr. Hakan Doganay: 2800 FUE for 26 y/o on November 2013

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This is patient's own post in another hair transplant forum:


I wanted to make this post for a while because this forum was so helpful for me when I made my decision to get FUE with Dr. Hakan Dognay. I had my p

8 Answers

This is patient's own post in another hair transplant forum:


I wanted to make this post for a while because this forum was so helpful for me when I made my decision to get FUE with Dr. Hakan Dognay. I had my procedure in November of 2013 so I am just going to really touch on my experience, advice and results but I am open to questions!

As far as my “hair loss story” I had been self-conscious about my hair loss since high school. I had a small bald spot but it didn’t bother me until my hairline started receding. I started findecide in 2011 and people started teasing me about my hair about this time. I started thinking about doing this one day and knew Turkey was a great economical way to get the procedure done right. In 2012 I was transferred to Azerbaijan for my job, which is just a quick 2-hour flight from Turkey. This is when I got really serious about getting the procedure. I contacted several doctors but only about half I contacted wanted to work with me (I was 26 years old at the time). I called and emailed Dr. Hakan’s office and was impressed with their response and quickly booked.

BEFORE YOU BOOK – Some advice! While this is not a traumatic procedure per say, it is difficult to come to terms with. Before you decide to do surgery I would highly recommend doing a number of things just to feel better about yourself! Start going to the gym, get a new wardrobe, get a new more flattering hair cut and consider changing your hair color if that will help give the illusion of more hair. Are you happy!? Do things for yourself! Anyways, I had done all those things and felt great about myself, but wanted to still go ahead and get this done. Do all these things though! It helps with the “ugly duckling” phase. ☺

Anyways, as far as the experience with Dr. Hakan, remember you are going to Turkey to do this for less that the states. I had them book me their normal room accommodation and pick me up. One of Hakan’s assistants picked me up in her own personal car. Don’t expect anything fancy! The hotel was very basic and clean. Your going to notice right away that Ankara has a lot of medical tourists from all over the region. You will see lots of people in the hotel wrapped up! I was sitting in the lobby and someone started talking to me who just had their transplant done. They were from Syria had gotten a procedure by someone else that was recommended by the forum. Anyways, that was super cool, this is a global community! I had Dr. Hakan look at my scalp at an office in a big hospital. My procedure happened in his own clinic that was in a residential style building (all very clean).

The procedure took a full day. First I got my head shaved and pictures taken! Say good bye to your vanity! The first phase I had local anesthesia (I tried to be tough and said I was ok with just a little, but get a lot!). All the grafts were taken by a nurse. All were very friendly and I was totally at ease. The assistant who picked me up from the airport was with me the whole time to translate if necessary. I had a Turkish lunch and some time to rest and then it was time to get the grafts in place. Dr. Hakan was there for the whole time during this period and he placed the hairline with single grafts. After he placed the front hairline a nurse assisted him to place all the rest of the hairs after the hairline. MY ONLY CRITISISM – The left side of my head is the side the nurse completed and this side doesn’t appear to have as many grafts. If I did this again I would talk to Hakan about this or see if he could do the whole side. Anyways, I had 2870 grafts, 650 single, 1570 double, and 650 triple. Most of this work went into the front with a few hundred in the crown (I knew this was kind of a black hole and I still have a little bit of a bald spot here).

I went back to the hotel and crashed. I ordered a grilled cheese from room service and just hung out there. The next day I felt good enough to put on a cap and walk over to the Ankara aquarium (biggest aquarium in Europe, super cool!). The next day I went in for my washing. I got some free findecide, some shampoo and lotion or whatever (kinda forget). ANYWAYS – TIME TO PAY. I planned on paying with two separate credit cards. I called and confirmed I was traveling, yadda yadda. The credit card terminal would not work!!! It was so stressful, I thought they thought I was scamming them. They insisted I go to a bank and withdraw the cash which is impossible… Anyways, eventually we got it sorted by calling their credit card processor. I BARLEY made it to the airport in time to fly home.

I took a week at home to rest and then went to Dubai the next weekend. My scabs had washed off and it looked awesome! I looked like I had a tight military cut. Shortly after…. It all falls out. Time to wait! I showed up to work 4 weeks after my procedure completely shaved! People totally noticed. Some people were polite and ignored it, but other guys pulled me aside to ask A MILLION questions (this may have been cultural though). I wish I would have just owned it that I did this. You’ve done the research, you are confidant that your going to get results. Just own it. I kind of denied it for a few weeks and then everyone knew eventually.

Below are pictures of my progress over 1.5 years. I feel like I am just now starting to see the full results (longer than the 1 year I had ambitiously hoped). Anyways, you’ll see that after month fifteen I started playing with my hair color. I think that helped me a lot and my hair looks denser. The hair transplant was so long ago from today that you kind of loose hope but now I am really surprised and happy how well its looking. The only concern I have is that the side the nurse implanted has been slow to come in. I’m hoping that that will fill in more with time.

Feel free to ask me any questions. Sorry the photos are kinda goofy as I didn’t stage any photos just for this. If you would like me to take some other pics of my results I don't mind. Anyways, I hope this can help! This wasn't cheap for me and it was tough for my self esteem during the 'ugly duckling phase' but today I think it was totally worth it. Thanks guys! '

BEFORE TILL 18th Months





Love how this guy shows all the pics, vast improvement. Did he have any work in the crown done?

Great write up and documentation.

Thank you for sharing.

Nice result Dr Hakan, and bravo to the guy for showing of his HT, takes balls!

Always nice when a patient shows a full face pic, it gives us a better idea of the result. Nice work, and the chap looks happy and that is all that matters.

WEll it's being very appreciative proedure of fue hair trasnsplant..

Great work! Agreed, it's always nice to see when a client takes the time to document his journey with candid pictures.