
Dr. Arocha | 2300 graft FUE Procedure

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This patient had a prior FUT procedure with a different doctor prior to coming to Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. He wasn't pleased wtih the density, so he and Dr. Arocha came up with a plan. Doc and team performed a 2300 graft FUE procedure. Th

6 Answers

This patient had a prior FUT procedure with a different doctor prior to coming to Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. He wasn't pleased wtih the density, so he and Dr. Arocha came up with a plan. Doc and team performed a 2300 graft FUE procedure. These are early 6-month results, so he still has some growing left to do. The 'before' images were taken after his transplant from the other clinic was fully grown in. 


Looks great for only 6 months. Thank you for sharing. 


Please keep the community updated.

Beautiful hairline. This surgeon is an artist.

May The Hair Be With You . said:

Beautiful hairline. This surgeon is an artist.

Thanks so much! Dr. Arocha apprciates your kind words, and we look forward to keeping you updated!

One of the best surgeons from the US hands down.

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