
FUE repair of failed FUE cases and discussion

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I've posted lots of cases and videos where I preach strip over fue and particularly for repair cases.  I've also posted a few cases of fue repair of fue or even strip.  


Well here's another FUE repair of FUE. 

2 Answers

I've posted lots of cases and videos where I preach strip over fue and particularly for repair cases.  I've also posted a few cases of fue repair of fue or even strip.  


Well here's another FUE repair of FUE.  2 younger men each had virtually zero growth from automated fue procedures....likely because hairs were transplanted without viable roots...or no roots whatsoever.   The patient never knows....and frankly, without magnifyers....the doctor (if a doctor is actually performing the surgery...or a rent a tech is in some cases around here) wouldn't know either.  

So we discuss these issues, show you a nice beefy FUE graft and show the before and early postop on these 2 guys...just so you newbies know what to ask at your consultation.


Lastly, I repeat that FUE is ideal IF:  1  you don't need a ton of hair   2.  you have to wear a short haircut   3.  and you have thicker donor hairs with stronger roots.


Know these issues and discuss the pros and cons with your doctor..not a salesman...before you commit to surgery.  There is never a reason to rush into this for a bargain.


The video is:  

Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

Thanks for providing the complete information. Now I tell to my uncle that now he will take the hair transplant treatment. You provide the complete information regarding it.

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