
Social Media advertising Epidemic

Viewed 2
This is yet another powerful segment in order to highlight the issues the perspective patient is faced with due to their vulnerability and desperate state of mind. Educating the patient with the facts is key to their success and well being. Th
4 Answers
This is yet another powerful segment in order to highlight the issues the perspective patient is faced with due to their vulnerability and desperate state of mind. Educating the patient with the facts is key to their success and well being. These social media pop up clinics all claiming to be “leaders” are not leaders but happy to pay big bucks to lure people in !!! Buyer beware and due your due diligence !!

They don't care about people's mental well-being but their money in their pockets :(

I think it's good to have social media campaign ...

Sould be shut down, the lot of them!

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