
2650 Grafts Dr.Hakan Doganay

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Finally after many years of researching and having the guts to have a procedure i have finally gone ahead and had my first Hair Transplant procedure. My 2 day procedure with Dr.Hakan Doganay which consisted in total of 2650 grafts to the hairline and f

6 Answers

Finally after many years of researching and having the guts to have a procedure i have finally gone ahead and had my first Hair Transplant procedure. My 2 day procedure with Dr.Hakan Doganay which consisted in total of 2650 grafts to the hairline and frontal third is finally completed and i can’t thank the team and Dr Hakan enough for the support, professional approach and caring environment in which helped to put me at ease straight away.


I booked my flights and hotel from the UK to Antayla as i wanted to spend a little longer in Turkey for my recovery time etc. My correspondence with Didem was great, any questions or concerns was never to much of a problem and was a great help throughout the procedure and my stay. Didem and Dr Hakan showed me numerous results which were fantastic.


I have been in and around hair loss forums for over ten years and have been fortunate enough to see some great work by surgeons in person and have even a hair loss forum of my own in the UK. I was aware of the issues Dr Doganay had back in 2015 and received some bad rep from a few patients. I was assured by Dr Hakan that these issues have been rectified and after meeting Dr Hakan in 2012 i was already aware of the FUE work Dr Hakan could produce in which made him world renowned.


It has taken me almost ten years to decide to go ahead with a procedure and at the age of 34, i feel my hair loss is stable enough and i am realistic enough in regards to expectations and future progression. I take propecia, MSM and Biotin.


Day 1

Picked up at 9am to be taken to the clinic, and it's fair to say at this point the nerves were kicking in! As i arrived at the clinic i was met by Dr Hakan Doganay and Didem to discuss the procedure, expectations and the plan to move forward in regards to future hair loss etc. We also discussed any concerns I had and gave me plenty of opportunity to ask the Dr Hakan any other questions that hadn't been covered off in the email correspondence prior to my arrival.


We then agreed a hairline based on what I wanted to achieve from the surgery. The aim for me was to rebuild the hairline and strengthen the thinning area behind, nothing too aggressive to save any precious grafts i may need in the future. I had no real desire to bring forward my hairline, as I didn't want to dramatically change the way I look, and this was taken on board when the hairline was agreed, in which i was happy with and ready to go.


Following the consultation i was then introduced to the technicians and Ahmet who would be doing the extracting and Dr Hakan Doganay all the impanting. Ahmet (Great guy) shaved my head and then proceeded to extract 1300 hairs with assistance of 3 other technicians who were separating the hairs and putting them into solution ready for implantation. The injections were a little nerving to numb the area however after a minute or so i couldn’t feel a thing :)


Once the extraction was done, we had lunch and then Dr Doganay was ready to implant the grafts into my hairline. I have met Dr Hakan before and know how much he prides himself on his hairline work, at points it was like seeing an artist in action. Constantly checking his work and hairline and seeing if i was happy with the work. After around 3 hours the first 1300 grafts were implanted into my hairline and behind. Halfway there!


Once I was cleaned up I had a meeting with Didem who talked me through some of the medicines to take that evening to avoid swelling and infection. I was then driven back to the hotel where I relaxed sat up, scared to move incase i moved any grafts lol.

Day 2

This was exactly the same as day 1, just different in that 1350 grafts were extracted from my donor area before Dr Hakan implanted them almost immediately after they had been extracted.


The surgery was completed without any issues, Dr Hakan said the grafts were strong and the extraction and implantation went well. In total over 2 days i have 2650 grafts implanted by Dr Hakan Doganay.

Day 3

I arrived at the clinic to go through the post-op care stages, shown how to wash the donor and recipient area and provided with creams, shampoos, medicines etc to see me through the next few weeks. Didem washed my head and carefully explained the importance of the after care and any concerns or questions, i could contact her or the clinic when i wish. After the wash, i sat down with Dr Hakan Doganay who was pleased with the hairline and process and wished me all the best for the future.



Since the moment i arrived, the whole experience has been extremely positive. Dr.Hakan Doganay team were extremely professional and caring. I was felt to be made welcomed, never rushed and was put at ease in what is a big thing for most patients having an operation. Dr Hakan carried out all the implantation in which i requested and was delighted with and Ahmet to extract from the donor who seemed very compassionate and proud of his work in which gave me confidence. Throughout the few days I was there, they went to all lengths to make me feel comfortable and address any concerns I had. I really felt at ease with them all during my time there which is a testament to how they treat their patients and the professionalism of the practice Dr.Hakan Doganay runs.


Now patience is key as i await my results in which of course is the main reason we all do this, i was told the density was good and grafts strong so i’m hoping for a nice improvement. I am realistic in my expectations and hope the following months i start to see these. Everything was done to a very high standard throughout and gives me confidence that i will come away with a nice result.


I will keep you all updated on my progress, please see the photos attached. Any questions, please do not hesitate ask.


Great write up and the work looks great!

Happy growing and a great forum :) The work looks clean and should produce a nice result.


Has propecia helped your hair loss?

Works looks great Dillon, happy growing, i look forward to following your progress.

The whole community will be watching this result :)

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