
2300 grafts with Dr Villnow

Viewed 4

I had my operation with Dr Villnow, the doctor who did Juergen Klopp's hair transplant. I had the operation a couple of months ago.

42 Answers

Guillaume 83 welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your experience with our community. The work looks great, please keep the forum updated.

I had my operation with Dr Villnow, the doctor who did Juergen Klopp's hair transplant. I had the operation a couple of months ago.







How involved was Dr Villnow?


You seem to be right on track :)

Thank you for the update. We look forward to following your progress.

Four weeks post-op, still a little bit of scabs left on one side. Other than that nothing new, just waiting for the new hair.

@OmarMo, thank you my friend, I paid about 2.50 er graft

@Sean thanks

@jamesuk Dr Villnow did everything. He was ther all the time, his team helped him but he did the whole operation



Here's my pictures two weeks after the operation.
The backside doesn't hurt at all anymore, not when I'm sleeping either.
The only way I still feel the operation is that the head is itchy from time to time but other than that everything feels just like normal again.
So all in all it feels like the healing process has been going excellently.

Manual FUE? Works looks great and i follow your case with interest as i have not seen many results by Dr Villnow.

Haha you are the first to i'v heard of to pick a surgeon because you like football ;) Looks like your healing well. Happy growing.

You are healing well my friend :) You will have a great result. Do you mind me asking how much euro's it cost you for 2300 grafts?

@Sean Thanks, yeah I'm not taking meds. I don't want any sides. I chose Dr Villnow because I like football and he did Jurgen Klopp. And the price was really good

@AdamJ87 The clinic said they didn't need to shave and I'm happy with that. 

@OmarMo No, but I'm going to keep posting so here's some pics now

The photos are taken seven days post-op. The recovery feels like it's going very well. I experienced some swelling in my face, but the worst of it was gone in about a day. The donor area has hurt a bit, especially while sleeping because I'm laying on it. But that is getting better too, and the area looks like it's healing really well. Most of the scabs have fallen off on the donor area and it is starting to look just like normal again. At the transplanted area I haven't experienced any pain at all or anything like that and as far as I can tell it looks like it's going just the way it's supposed to.







Do you have a graft break down? I will follow your case. Happy growing :)

Did you ask for unshaven FUE? Look forward to following your case.

I would recommend meds, looks like your thinning behind the hairline? Work looks good. Do you have up to date pics?

Work looks very clean and refined. Are you taking meds? What made you choose Dr Villnow?

The pictures are to large to tell?

Here's this months pictures.

The new hair is now starting to grow more. It's still pretty thin but it's getting better. So now I'm waiting and hoping for it to start getting a little thicker.


Eight weeks. New hairs are now starting to come up and it seems like everything is going according to plan. The whole process feels like it's going just like it should.






Did you consult with many surgeons? Looks to be coming along nicely :)

You seemed to have healed nice my friend.

Things are moving along and the transplanted area is starting to get some hair. Altough I'm hoping for it to start growing thicker.


Looking right on track :) Thank you for the update. Please keep us updated.

Very happy with the progress of the transplant. I might get some more grafts on to the top of my head some time but I do feel like this operation is going as hoped for!






Looking good! How far out are you?

Thank you for the update. Looking good!

Six months and I feel like the result is going towards what I expected and hoped for. I feel much better about my hair now than I did before the op, which makes me satisfied.

Looks brilliant at 6 months. How did you hide the procedure from people?

Looking great and not even half way there! Please keep the forum updated.

Seven months and the process has gone so long now that I feel I've gotten the results I was expecting to get before the operation which is very satisfying. 
I don't constantly think about my hair situation anymore like I did before the op which feels great.

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Looking like a great head of hair, please keep the community updated.

Eight months and even though I sometimes think about getting more grafts on top of the head I'm still very satisfied with the results of this op which filled in the sides nicely and has now given me a result which makes me feel much better than I did before the operation.






You have come a long way pal, you happy? Looks great.

You can go for it and expect the best results of 2300 grafts ..

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