
Can you drink alcohol after a procedure?

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Can you drink alcohol after a procedure? Not dependent on it but enjoy a glass of red once in a while, can alcohol have an effect on a procdure?

10 Answers

Can you drink alcohol after a procedure? Not dependent on it but enjoy a glass of red once in a while, can alcohol have an effect on a procdure?

Hi Lee, Yes you may consume alcohol after the procedure no problem. We do request you stop drinking 3 days prior thogh to prevent any excess bleeding.

Quit drinking and feel the amazing benefits from this :)

Quit drinking? I have a wife ;)

Lee87 . said:

Quit drinking? I have a wife ;)


Your fine to drink after the op no worries just be sensible.

Lee87, Wait till you have kids .........!

Cheers for the response guys!

You will be fine, just don't get drunk and bang your head lmao.

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