
Having the money for a Hair Transplant?

Viewed 1

If i had the money i would do it tomorrow! How do you guys save/afford a hair transplant?

13 Answers

If i had the money i would do it tomorrow! How do you guys save/afford a hair transplant?

Second job and 0% credit cards!

Cut out alcohol and smokes if you do, set a savings accout up and ask for a pay rise lmao

Set a hair transplant fund and add to it every time you get paid or a loan at low interest.

Looking at loans and credit cards... Should i get in debt for something cosmetic???

Some clinics now do 0% finance options on your procedure. I am looking into this.

Downgrade on your car? Phones? Cards etc and set a savings account up, if you want it will get it!

Cheers for the suggestions guys. A saving account is set up:)

Yes, its a expensive teatment so first consult the good doctor.

Depends of course which Doctor you go to, some i could never afford or justify the amount.

Savings account and finance options with the clinic is the way it will be for me. Looking at Dr Reddy and The Harley St clinic.

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