
Dr.Bisanga, BHR Clinic, 1157 Strip Repair,7 Months

Viewed 1

* BHR Clinic

* Dr. Christian BISANGA

* Age: 28

* Technique: STRIP

* Medication: Finasteride starting 3 months before surgery. Minoxidil in the past.

* Donor density: 50 UFs/cm2

* Curly-Afro hair


9 Answers

* BHR Clinic

* Dr. Christian BISANGA

* Age: 28

* Technique: STRIP

* Medication: Finasteride starting 3 months before surgery. Minoxidil in the past.

* Donor density: 50 UFs/cm2

* Curly-Afro hair

* FUs: 1,159

* Previous surgeries: Yes

* Breakdown:

- 1s: 143
- 2s: 696 
- 3s: 300
- 4s: 20
That is 1159 FU = 2515 Hairs. Average: 2,17 Hairs/FU.

Here a list of the pictures trying to explain the case: 

1.- Previous situation before any surgery 2.- Previous situation before 2nd procedure 3.- 
Pre-Post surgery with Dr. Bisanga / BHR Clinic 4.- 3 Months result 5.- 5,5 Months result 6.- 7 Months result 

Basically the patient had a previous FUT procedure elsewhere (2500 grafts in theory) for whole frontal, but the yield was only in the hairline. 


We did a new small strip from centre to right and with 1159 new grafts behind the hairline.
Pre and Post BHR photos are all provided by the patient and some not such great quality but in all shows the improvements so far. 
















UPDATES at 3 Months





 UPDATES at 5.5 Months







 UPDATE 7 Months








Thank you for sharing Dr.Bisanga. Looks great.

Seems like a huge difference for a small amount of grafts.

Wow...hugeee improvement for the grafts used.

He must be delighted! Looks a hundred times better!

What a result and improvement.

This guy must be stoked with this outcome.

Less than 1200 grafts to achieve this improvement is amazing.

This is amazing for the amount of grafts used. Well done to all involved.

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