
Hair Transplant Side Effects?

Viewed 3

What kind of side effects are possible with hair transplant surgery? Could your real hair end up falling out? Anything else??

11 Answers

What kind of side effects are possible with hair transplant surgery? Could your real hair end up falling out? Anything else??

Due to shockloss yes if you are having hair placed within thin areas. 

If your hair is ready to fall due to dht then its possible to lose this hair due to shock loss.

6 months? This worries me a little as i was hoping to hide to procedure and return to work shorthly afterwards.

NorthernChap . said:

What kind of side effects are possible with hair transplant surgery? Could your real hair end up falling out? Anything else??

Hair transplant is a small surgical process and done within a day under local anesthesia. Hair transplant is safe process and don't need to hasitate before undergo transplantation. Well as we all know every thing have some pros and conse. Same as in case of  hair transplantaion. Hair transplantation has few side affects. Some of them are given bellow.

  • bleeding.
  • infection.
  • swelling of the scalp.
  • bruising around the eyes.
  • a crust that forms on the areas of the scalp where hair was removed or implanted.
  • numbness or lack of sensation on the treated areas of the scalp.
  • itching.
  • inflammation or infection of the hair follicles (folliculitis)


For detail Information you can click on bellow link.


All of the above disperse, no long term side effects.

Its the redness and swelling which could last months bothers me, i was hoping to keep the procedure a secret.

If you don't research well enough and have a sub standard procedure the long term mental side effects could be drastic. This should always be considered.

Hi Northern chap,

10 side effects are possible with hair transplant surgery.


  • Bleeding: Although rare, persistent bleeding is a possible side effect of the hair transplantation procedure.


  • Infection: Signs of Infection After Hair Transplant Surgery. the appearance of pus around the follicles, excessive itching, excessive bleeding, and swelling of the hair grafts and/or donor sites. this can be easily avoided with the use of antibiotics.


  • Temporary Thinning: This means that more hairs are in the resting stage than usual, and fewer hair follicles are available to grow new hair in the Anagen (growing) phase. This slows down the hair growth cycle and results in a gradual thinning or shedding of hair.


  • Itching : During the healing phase the first month after hair transplant surgery, you may experience scalp itch, both in the recipient and donor area as they're healing. A few months later, the itching may return as the transplanted hair follicles start to grow new hair and penetrate through the scalp


  • Scarring: it is important for patients to have reasonable expectations with all forms of hair transplant. Depending on the procedure, light scarring will take either linear or dot-like shape, resulting from strip donor and follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedures, respectively.


  • Cysts : Cysts generally occur when the hair follicles damage your skin and push deep into the layers. They usually are pimple sized lumps that are mostly benign. However, one should not take cysts lightly and must consult a doctor without delay when affected by such a side effect. In most cases, the cysts disappear by themselves.


  • Hiccups : Hiccups are a common side-effect of hair transplant surgeries that 5% patients suffer from hiccups after the transplant. Take apple cider vinegar to cure your hiccups in seconds! Has a very strong taste so take with honey.


  • Pain: During the procedure the patients are completely numb. However, patients who receive strip may have some pain on donor area for a day or two after hair transplant. FUE transplant is generally painless or it has very minimal pain after hair transplant.


  • Swelling:Do not bend over or engage in any lifting for at least 48 hours after surgery to avoid bleeding or excess swelling. Keep your head and upper body elevated above the level of your heart during this time, especially when sleeping.


  • Numbness:It is common to have temporary loss or change of sensation to the scalp during and after a hair transplant procedure. The most common area affected is the top of the head, or recipient area. Occasionally, the area above the donor incision may also be affected.

Thank you for the feedback, been away from the forums for a while. Now I'm back hoping to have a procedure soon.

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