
Dr. Keser - 2500 grafts to 8 months

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This is a 28-years-old patient, doesn't follow any treatment, and wanted to close his temple points and give more density to the central part of his first line.

Dr. Keser employed 2500 grafts using the FUE technique in 4 d

6 Answers

This is a 28-years-old patient, doesn't follow any treatment, and wanted to close his temple points and give more density to the central part of his first line.

Dr. Keser employed 2500 grafts using the FUE technique in 4 days (650, 600, 600, 600 grafts) with a 0.6-0.8 mm punch.

The result is after 8 months, so an improvement in the transplanted hair's thickness and quality is posible.

Average caliber and density of hair.

Before surgery

10 days after surgery

4 months after

8 months after

Thank you for sharing. Looks great for 8 months.

Work looks great, shame he doesn't grow his hair to show it of more.

Why have a buzz cut when he now has a great head of hair? Great work though.

Looks very natural short, but would love to see it grown out.

Over 4 days? Long procedure but i like that you do FUE in smaller stages. Nice result.

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