
Sun and a hair transplant?

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When can patients go in the sun after a hair transplant? The Drs i'm looking into are mainly in hot countries and i plan on having a procedure in the summer months to coincide with a holiday if possible, will i have to stay out of the sun for the durat

6 Answers

When can patients go in the sun after a hair transplant? The Drs i'm looking into are mainly in hot countries and i plan on having a procedure in the summer months to coincide with a holiday if possible, will i have to stay out of the sun for the duration?

Following a procedure, you should protect your scalp from the sun for about a month if not longer.

This does not mean that you need to stay indoors. It just means that after a procedure you should wear a hat or a good sunscreen when outdoors.


A month or longer? Damn... i didnt think it would be that long!

Grafts are fine after 2 weeks but i would keep it out of direct sunlight for a few months at least. Why risk damaging grafts that you have spent so much time and money on?

Planning a procedure in the winter to give me as much time as possible out of the sun lmao.

Well when the hair transplant surgery has performed then you should avoid to go out in the sun mostly try to avoid it ..

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