
Do hair transplants hold/last over time?

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Its hard to find results ten years old etc. Why is this? Do hair transplants hold/last over time? 

14 Answers

Its hard to find results ten years old etc. Why is this? Do hair transplants hold/last over time? 

The transplanted hair should. The hair loss may not.

The transplanted hair should. The hair loss may not.

If the hair transplanted is DHT resistant!

Like stated if the transplanted hair is dht free then of course it should hold. Would you need more work in the future due to further loss? Very possible. Can the donor area thin? Possible. This is why you should get a face to face consultation to test for minaturization all over and possible meds. No one can predict the future but you can possible prevent and observe.

Paul Reed said:

Like stated if the transplanted hair is dht free then of course it should hold. Would you need more work in the future due to further loss? Very possible. Can the donor area thin? Possible. This is why you should get a face to face consultation to test for minaturization all over and possible meds. No one can predict the future but you can possible prevent and observe.

Some great points Paul.

Appreciate the comments guys, try to ask everything need to know regarding procedures and outcomes etc. So please bear with me. Lol

Teddy, ask away! That is what the forum and members are here for :) Remember, there are no silly questions you can ask on here.

The transplanted hair should stand over time, however donor area's do thin so transplanted hair can fall?

Not much research on donor thinning however it does happen... Does propecia help the donor or just the skalp area's?

Been informed to start propecia to keep the donor hair etc strong?

Dr Lindsey has posted quite a few results on here with are over 8 years out...hope this helps.

The older you are and the less progression with hair loss is th eonly time you should consider a procedure.

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