
Telling Family and Friends?

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I intend to tell my friends that i plan on having a procedure, i have never spoken to family or friends about hair loss but i don't want to hide this or try to hide a procedure. Opinions on telling family and friends? Right thing to do?

10 Answers

I intend to tell my friends that i plan on having a procedure, i have never spoken to family or friends about hair loss but i don't want to hide this or try to hide a procedure. Opinions on telling family and friends? Right thing to do?

I believe a brave thing and right thing to do. You maybe surprised how supportive your friends and family can be towards you if this is something that makes you happy :)

Harry i commend your decision to talk to family and friends about your situation and agree how supportive you will find they will become. Hair loss is not a joke and has an impact on many peoples lifes. This is why we hope our forum removes the stigma of hair loss/transplants and raises awareness of how hair loss can have such an impact of peoples lifes.

I remember plucking up the courage to tell my family and partner and it was the best thing i could of done! The support i recieved and the relief made it all worth it.

Good luck and please keep the forum updated.

Thank you Bohdi Ray and Dillon, the support means a lot. The people who tend to laugh about hair loss and hair transplants are usually people with no hair loss!

Bravo to you, i wish i could be as brave. Hair loss in my culture is not seen as a problem.

I agree keeping something from family and friends should not happen, yet discussing hair loss with close ones is really hard and i guess this is why i visit the forum.

People laugh about hair loss unless they suffer from it, nothing to be ashamed about.

Done it, was suprised at the reaction and comments :) 'i don't need one' and 'whatever makes you happy' I have to admit its a relief to tell them and makes me going ahead with a procedure that much easier :)

Being open about hair loss is extremely tough :(

I think it's good share your friends and family about your are going to plan for hair transplant procedure ....

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