
What is possible?

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I have quite advanched hair loss but would like to tackle this awful look if possible. Is a HT possible for high NW cases and still look natural? If this is not the case, SMP is something i am interested in. New to the forum so i thank you in advance f

13 Answers

I have quite advanched hair loss but would like to tackle this awful look if possible. Is a HT possible for high NW cases and still look natural? If this is not the case, SMP is something i am interested in. New to the forum so i thank you in advance for any feedback.


Hi Ryan and welcome to the forum :) For the best possible advice and feeback you aim to receive from the community then i suggest you post clear pictures of your hair loss situation? 


What is possible? Depends of course on numerous factors. For example donor availabilty? Hair loss scale? Expectations? Surgeon? Etc.

Feel free to search the forum, ask questions and research! And no question on here is a silly question, so ask away ;) Good luck!



Dillon . said:

Hi Ryan and welcome to the forum :) For the best possible advice and feeback you aim to receive from the community then i suggest you post clear pictures of your hair loss situation? 


What is possible? Depends of course on numerous factors. For example donor availabilty? Hair loss scale? Expectations? Surgeon? Etc.

Feel free to search the forum, ask questions and research! And no question on here is a silly question, so ask away ;) Good luck!


Thank you Dillon. I will post more pics when i get used to uploading etc. I intend to send clear pics to surgeons who interest me. 



Step in the right direction Ryan.

Search the results section on here as there are some high NW cases that have had success, but expectations are key! What you expect and what can be achieved can clash, so make sure you discuss the options in great detail with each Dr you speak with.

If you have enough donor then of course a natural result can be achieved if you have realistic expectations? Search the results on here and you may be surprised at what can be achieved and one Dr i suggest you consider for high NW is of course Hasson and Wong.

You have numerous options mate, you could get decent coverage and improve density with SMP, this works well.

Feedback appreciated guys. Thank you!

FUT/FUE/SMP these together along with medication will maximise your potential.

FUE/SMP can look great mate if you want a short cut look and of course meds can help. If i became advanced i would certainly consider this option.

Been researching quite a few SMP clinics and some of the work out there looks amazing. I don't mind the shaved look, just the bald look haha.

Look at Hasson and Wong and Dr Bhatti etc who do large cases and you will know what is possible.

Dr Bhatti does great work, just not many caucasian reults.

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