
Is donor area immune to DHT?

Viewed 3

Hey guys,

Can one's hair at the back and sides (donor area) thin or is it 100% DHT resistent? 



5 Answers

Hey guys,

Can one's hair at the back and sides (donor area) thin or is it 100% DHT resistent? 



No..... I have seen people with thinning donors etc. Just look around!

In some cases it is true that the safe donor area is not entirely safe as it can be suggested. However in most cases it is not as suseptible to DHT as the hair on your scalp. This is uncommon however it can happen, this is why it is important to understand your family hair loss history and prevention methods in place.


Thinning is of course possible in the donor area, this is why you have to plan accordingly and ethical surgeons will always take this in to future planning for patients.

Anyway as a rule it isn't as suseptible to DHT as the hair on your scalp. This is unprecedented anyway it can work out, to this end understanding your family balding history and counteraction techniques in place is significant.

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