
Thoughts regarding FUE?

Viewed 2

Can the final result/quality of the procedure be effected if i shave the head or unshaven FUE prior to the procedure?

I'm guessing it does as everyone would do unshaven?

I wait patiently for your response.

Thank you.

9 Answers

Can the final result/quality of the procedure be effected if i shave the head or unshaven FUE prior to the procedure?

I'm guessing it does as everyone would do unshaven?

I wait patiently for your response.

Thank you.

Great result for 8 months. Hopefully the op keeps the forum updated.

It depends on the size of the session you need and if you are having grafts placed in thinning areas.

The smaller the session the easier it is to go unshaven. My thoughts anyway :)

My hair loss is identical to this gentlemans. Amazing work, i would hope to achieve this in the future.

Thank you for the updates. Looking great.

Almost 5 months? He has a nice result already!

I think you don't need to shave if really looking for then you should conuslt your surgeon ...

Hi Adam,

It will depend on your hair transplant surgeon, how he prefers to perform the procedure. Some surgeons perform Unshaven FUE Hair Transplant, while some surgeons would recommend you to shave your donor area for extraction of hair grafts. It is better to shave your hair, if your surgeon recommends it. It should not affect the results if your surgeon is well-experienced in performing the procedure in any way

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