
1900 FUE- 7month results Dr. Patrick Mwamba (MyWHTC clinic)

Viewed 4

Blonde hair with fair skin is less contrasting than brown hair with fair skin. This NW class III patient was treated with 1900 FUE by FIT grafts. These are seven-month results photos of Dr. Patrick Mwamba's patient.



MyWHTC hair loss clinic and Doctor in Europe is Best.  Dr. Patrick Mwamba and MyWHTC clinic offer the best hair transplant procedures in Belgium Europe

Web (For viewers in Belgium)


Thank you for sharing Dr Mwamba. Great work as always.

Beautiful case. Love Dr Mwamba's hairlines.

Bravo Dr Mwama, a beautiful and natural hairline and for only 7 months.

If i was this guy, i would be delighted. The hairline is natural as is gets.

Impessive hairline for the number of grafts used.

Would love a hairline like this. Beautiful work.

The hairline was not lowered on this patient.  Here's the placement of grafts.



Web (For viewers in Belgium)


All consultations by Dr. Patrick Mwamba are free of charge.


I am one representative of MyWHTC clinic in Europe.


Great result and shows you dont need an aggressive hairline to make a nice change.

Frankie Reys said:

Great result and shows you dont need an aggressive hairline to make a nice change.


The hairline is certainly appropriate for the patient.  Myself, I cannot wait for an update.


I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic in Europe.


Not a huge amout of grafts or hairline lowered, yet a huge change. Well done to the clinic and congrats to the patient.

What does Dr Mwamba charge per graft?

Beautiful hairline, give me this please haha

Any updates? This is great work for only 7 months.

Give us an update Dr Mwamba even though i don't think this result could get any better, beatuiful hairline.

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