
Not sure... FUT/FUE?

Viewed 1

I cant decide if to procede with an FUT or FUE procedure, no matter how much i research the pros and cons. I dont mind my hair long but i would like the option of having it short. 


What helps you decide....

7 Answers

I cant decide if to procede with an FUT or FUE procedure, no matter how much i research the pros and cons. I dont mind my hair long but i would like the option of having it short. 


What helps you decide....

More details? What is your donor/loss like? 

Me personally is looking at FUE if viable due to the option of keeping my hair short and less chance of a scar.

I need around 2500 grafts, i will post some pics later. I know the argument to well between FUE/FUT but still cant decide. Either way its a risk.

NorthernChap, regarding any surgery there is a risk, however you are on the right tracks in regards to researching the pros/cons etc :) Which of course makes it less of a risk.

Take your time, consult with high quality Surgeons and keep researching. A hair transplant will always be there in the future :)

If you are unsure, you are not ready ;)

You need to consult an experince and expert surgeon ...

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