
Cost of a HT?

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I hear all the time that the cost of a HT and location should not be a major point when deciding to go for a procedure however, lets be honest there are Doctors out there who do the same standard of work yet one can be way cheaper than the other and th

21 Answers
Sean . said:

I hear all the time that the cost of a HT and location should not be a major point when deciding to go for a procedure however, lets be honest there are Doctors out there who do the same standard of work yet one can be way cheaper than the other and the other way expensive. Why shouldnt we try and save money when going for an expensive procedure?

A Hair Transplant procedure should not be decided by cost or location. Think of a Hair Transplant procedure as brain surgery? Would you go to the cheapest or inexperienced Doctor available? No of course you wouldnt, however just because a Dr charges more does not mean there are the best:) 

Key is research and lots of it. Do not let money be a deciding factor, once your are cut you are cut.

Dillon . said:
Sean . said:

I hear all the time that the cost of a HT and location should not be a major point when deciding to go for a procedure however, lets be honest there are Doctors out there who do the same standard of work yet one can be way cheaper than the other and the other way expensive. Why shouldnt we try and save money when going for an expensive procedure?

A Hair Transplant procedure should not be decided by cost or location. Think of a Hair Transplant procedure as brain surgery? Would you go to the cheapest or inexperienced Doctor available? No of course you wouldnt, however just because a Dr charges more does not mean there are the best:) 

Key is research and lots of it. Do not let money be a deciding factor, once your are cut you are cut.

Dillon i agree, and of course research of any Dr is key but thats not to say there are Drs out there performing same standard of work and charging half of what some Drs charge, there are Drs out there who charge 6 Euro per graft and Drs who charge 2/3 euro per graft with no difference in quality.

I couldnt agree more Sean, and it works both ways. Lets agree cost of a surgeon does not decide the quality of work. Experience and results do :)

Dillon . said:

I couldnt agree more Sean, and it works both ways. Lets agree cost of a surgeon does not decide the quality of work. Experience and results do :)

Agreed :)

Of course cost comes into play, not everybody can afford or earn the same and some procedures with certain clinics can cost tens of thousands however i agree, the main thing is experience and results.

Awful scar before. Great repair case and not a massive amount of grafts used.

I hear all the time that the cost of a HT and location should not be a major point when deciding to go for a procedure however, lets be honest there are Doctors out there who do the same standard of work yet one can be way cheaper than the other and the other way expensive. Why shouldnt we try and save money when going for an expensive procedure?

I believe cost does have a say in regards to having a procedure, i struggle monthly even though i work over 50 hours per week. I can not spend thousands on a hair transplant :(

Forget cost i guess....think quality, cost comes last?

There is no definate cost, the clinics i have been talking to range from a few thousand to tens of thousands!

Some expensive docs produce sub-standard work and cheaper docs produce great work, or vice versa. Its about research and consistency of the surgeons and of course country and cost there etc.

The way i am budgeting my procedure, its going to take me a year to save!

I the hair transplant can really cost you much because it is not an economical treatment..

Do you research first, cost comes last.

I wish cost did come last however other financial commitments and a family make this almost impossible.

India and Turkey fit my budget with cost included too! Some great Surgeons to choose from.

If you really want something, you will always find a way to finance it :) There are some great clinics out there if you research who wont bankrupt you ;)

And stay away from clinics that offer you maximum grafts for 2000 euros with lifetime guarantees...Seeing a lot of them spring up all over the place

Cost of hair transplant is vary from clinic to clinic or its depends on the condition of your scalp. Normally the cost is $3 $4 per graft.

The UK is probably the most expensive!

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