VIDEO Dr. Lindsey Female frontal hairline surgery

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This attractive mid-50s professional lady wears bangs to cover years of hairloss. We did 1150 grafts last week and the high points of the case are shown, as well as 1 week suture removal pics. 

She's set to have a scar check in a month and

6 Answers

This attractive mid-50s professional lady wears bangs to cover years of hairloss. We did 1150 grafts last week and the high points of the case are shown, as well as 1 week suture removal pics. 

She's set to have a scar check in a month and pics at 6 and 12 months.

Dr. Lindsey

The video is:

3 month scar check...looking perfect. As expected, nothing going on in the recipient area. Hopefully at the 6 month visit, we'll be seeing some growth! bonked. Here is another link.


Thank you for sharing Dr Lindsey. The work looks great, please keep the forum updated.

Scar looking great for 3 months, now time for the front to grow :)

Time passes slowly for HT patients!


Dr. Lindsey

The vedio is very good and very informative  about hair ladies hairlines...